영어면접상황 본문

능력의 삶/공부법


KING JESUS 2010. 12. 7. 12:55


Unit 1 People 1장, 사람


1. How are you? What's your name? Where are you from? Where do you live?

1. 어떻게 지내시나요? 이름이 무엇입니까? 어디서 오셨어요? 어디서 살아요?

2. What do you do? What do you study? Where do you work?

2. 무엇을 하나요? 무슨 공부를 하나요? 어디서 일을 하시나요?

3. What are you doing these days?

3. 그날 무엇을 하나요?

4. What's your dream job? Why? Tell me about it.

4. 꿈꾸는 일이 무엇인가요? 왜요?   애기해주세요.


Unit 2 Work, Rest and Play 2장, 일과 휴식과 놀이


1. What time do you usually...? How often do you...?

1. 보통 몇시정도에...? 얼만큼 자주 하시는지..?

2. What do you do for fun? What are you hobbies? What's your favorite...?

2. 재미삼아 하는것이 무엇입니까?  취미가 무엇이에요?  가장좋아하는것은..?

3. What did you do yesterday? Last weekend? Last month?

3. 어제 무엇을 했어요? 지난 주말에? 지난 달에? 

4. What's your favorite holiday? Tell me about it.

4. 가장좋아하는 휴일은 무엇이에요?  애기해주세요.

5. Decribe your daily routine and schedule.

5. 당신의 평범한 일상과  시간표를 설명해주세요.


Unit 3 Going Place  3장  외출.

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Decribe in detail

your dream vaction.

1. 만일 세계어느곳이든 갈수있다면 어디에 갈거며 왜 거기로 갈꺼에요?  꿈꾸던 여행을 설명해보세요.

2. If you were going on an international holiday, what would you take with you? Make a list

and explain your choices.

2. 만일 해외여행을 간다면, 무엇을 가지고 갈꺼에요? 목록에 만들고 선택한 이유를 설명해보세요.

3. Decribe the steps required at an airport to take an international flight.

3. 해외여행을 가기위해 공항에서 해야할 절차과정을 설명해보세요.

4. What advice would you give to a friend who was considering living in the United Statdes for a


4. 미국에서 1년을 살고싶어하는 친구에 생각에 당신은 어떤 조언를 해주고싶나요?


Unit 4 Food  4장 음식

1. What's your favorite food? Why is it your favorite? Tell me about it

1. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 음식은? 왜 그것이 가장 좋아요? 이야기해주세요.

2. What is the most unusual food you have ever eaten? Decribe it

2. 당신이 가장 이상하게 먹었던 음식은 무엇이죠? 설명해보세요. 

3. List the steps to cook your favorite food

3. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 음식을 만드는 과정.




Unit 1 People


1. How are you? What's your name? Where are you from? Where do you live?

I'm fine. My name is Hong, Gil-dong. I am Korean and I am from Korea. I live in Seoul.


2. What do you do? What do you study? Where do you work?

I am a student. I study English and many other subjects at school.

I do not have a job yet.

3. What are you doing these days?

I do many things.

I read books, meet my friends and talk with them. I also watch TV and listen to music.

4. What's your dream job? Why? Tell me about it.

 I have not yet decided, but I want to be a teacher. When I graduate from college, I will be a teacher. I will study English very hard and become an English teacher.


Unit 2 Work, Rest and Play


1. What time do you usually...? How often do you...?

I usually get up at about seven. I go to school five times a week.


2. What do you do for fun? What are you hobbies? What's your favorite...?

I read books, play computer games and watch television.

I have two hobbies. one is reading books, and the other is playing soccer.


3. What did you do yesterday? Last weekend? Last month?

I stayed at home and read books.

Last weekend I went for a walk with  my friend.

Last month? I can't remember. I stayed at home and studied.

4. What's your favorite holiday? Tell me about it.

My favorite holiday is Sunday. It is a religious holiday, but I don't go to church. I can have a lot of free time on Sunday.

5. Decribe your daily routine and schedule.

I get up at seven in the morning. After breakfast I go to school. I attend five or six classes at school. When I come, I do my homework or read books. I watch TV or listen to music. I usually go to bed at ten.


Unit 3 Going Places


1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Decribe in detail

your dream vaction.

If I am given a chance to visit a foreign country, I would like to visit the USA or Canada because I would like to practice my English.


2. If you were going on an international holiday, what would you take with you? Make a list

and explain your choices.

I would like to go to Jeju-do. I will take a tent and 200,000 won with me.


3. Decribe the steps required at an airport to take an international flight.

To take an international flight, I first need to prepare my passport and have to go to the right gate.


4. What advice would you give to a friend who was considering living in the United Statdes for a


I will advise him or her to study English very hard before going there.


Unit 4 Food

1. What's your favorite food? Why is it your favorite? Tell me about it

My favorite food is bibimbap. It is a healthy food with a lot of vegetables in it.


2. What is the most unusual food you have ever eaten? Decribe it

Snake soup. A man living in my neighborhood brought a bowl of snake soup and asked me to eat it.

It looked like chicken soup, so I drank it with my eyes closed. It tasted good, but I don't want to eat it again.

3. List the steps to cook your favorite food

When I cook bibimbap. I need to prepare various vegetables. After I put some rice into a bowl, I put all kinds of vegetalbles on it before I mix them throughly.

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